Friday, February 25, 2011

Passion Groups

We are all given the opportunity to join 'Passion Groups' where we have the opportunity to learn different skills - mostly cultural dances and musical skills. As well as learning more about the different cultures of those on the ship, the passion groups bring opportunities to connect with people through the performances. 

I am part of a worship band on violin and voice that plays in different worship nights (Monday), prayer nights (THursday) or Sunday services onboard as well as being recruited to form bands for the various events onboard. I am also part of clowning, percussion and I have just started the Hope Gospel Choir. We had our first performance tonight! (12 Nov 2011).
Lead singing at PST Penang welcome party

Clown, anyone?
Pick the normal one... if you can!

Worship band for Teens in Mission event - Port Klang, Malaysia

can you see the violinist? 

This was the line for people to visit the ship in Hambantota, Sri Lanka.
It was over an hour from the city to the port where LH was docked,
yet these 3 lines extends further behind the camera 50m and the line
at the top going off to the right extends another 100m down the road...

International Night (I-night) in Hambantota, Sri Lanka.
We have one of these in each port, a big cultural event
where many of the passion groups get to perform. Not just
a show, but a performance to connect with the local people as
we talk with them after the event, and depending on the port
a short message is often shared.

On stage is the Parade of Nations, people dressed in their local
costume and flag and on the floor is the percussion group.

In the 'One Night with the King' event

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