Monday, January 30, 2012

In the mountains of Cebu

When opportunity comes knocking, open your door!

Yesterday started off like any other off day - a nice sleep in, a quiet morning reading and catching up on correspondence before lunch. I had planned, after lunch, to visit a coffee shop with a friend to find some decent internet where I could skype with friends and download some resources for school

These well-laid plans fell through when a friend ran through the dining room looking for people to accompany her for a field trip. Dorine (from France) had previously visited a village in the mountains outside Cebu to play with the children there and wanted to return to visit them.

A group of seven of us ended up taking a jeepney (the most practical and economical mode of transport throughout the Philippines, with the one hour ride costing the equivalent of AUD 0.50). This landed us in Sunny Hills where we found a group of guys with motorbikes willing to take us to the village of Takan Salapac.

Once we reached the village, we were greeted by a pack of children who were very excited to see Dorine again and to meet the rest of us. We spent a wonderful afternoon with these children as they took us up to the top of the mountain to see the view. We didn't speak any Cebuano other than hello and thank you, and most of them didn't speak much English, but as I'm learning more and more, words are highly over-rated!

Just the fact that we made the effort to come and spend time with them, play their games, feed them lollies and meet the villagers meant so much to them and it was just as big a blessing to us, too.

Sliding down the hill on cardboard

Picked up a few kids and a chook
for dinner on the way, too!
As we walked up the mountain, we passed these women stripping wood

Village life

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