Monday, January 2, 2012


In December, the Logos Hope was in Singapore. We were fortunate to have an amazing berth at VivoCity Mall - it was literally 20 steps from the ship to stand inside one of the main malls of Singapore. 

Actually, the commercialism was something I struggled with alot. Standing in the middle of the mall in the most Christmas-obsessed city in the world, I was overwhelmed. The Singaporeans have absolutely everything they could ever possibly want. We (Logos Hope) had nothing to offer them - except Jesus. Yet we were being asked to do more, bigger, better as Singapore knew the ship ministry well because of the Doulos' many visits. 

I struggled with this mentality. As Christians, we are supposed to be in the world, but not of it and yet we were pandering to the people. Instead of trying to measure up to Singapore's standards we should have been focussing our energy into the most important thing: building relationships. Jesus is what makes us different from anyone else, He is the only thing we have to offer and He is the thing that people need the most.

Aside from this struggle, I did enjoy Singapore - it certainly is a sight to behold. Logos Hope had some very generous supporters who provided money specifically to help the crew relax and enjoy Singapore. The different work departments were taken on tours by locals.

Finding our way around the Bird Sanctuary.

Dried meat market in China Town.

Buying fans in anticipation of warm weather and limited
airconditioning during dry dock.

Christmas decorations at Marina Bay Sands.

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