Saturday, December 31, 2011

Botanic Gardens

On the ship, we are given 7 break days each year to use as we wish. I used a few of these in Singapore, to relax after a very busy period of preparing for many events and running the school Christmas play. I took the chance to explore Singapore and these are some memories from a day out at the Singapore Botanical Gardens with my cabin-mate Jenny (USA) and my friend Jocelyn (France).

Many trees around the Gardens were decorated for Christmas
by various school children.

At lunch, Jocelyn decided to give himself a mighty big challenge.

Admiring the same flowers that were in my
garden back home.

Many picturesque statues around the gardens.

This was a rolling water stone that stayed in it's spot. With a bit
of force, you could push it to change direction!

See a new ornament?

Behind the waterfall

Mmmm... snails!

For a Frenchie, he seems awfully scared by snails...

Spot the photographer!

Um... really? Does this sign appear necessary to you
in a big botanical garden???

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