Monday, January 17, 2011

GO Conference

Before going anywhere with OM for 6 months or more, you are required to do 10 days of training at a Global Orientation conference.

OM Headquarters in Mosbach, Germany are at an old mill with this
beautiful creek flowing underneath.

I found a nearby shed with bikes and upon finding the owners,
was allowed to borrow one as long as it was back by 5pm
each day to cycle around town - it was wonderful!

A cute and typical little German house!

For a sermon illustration, we were all given some clay to mold as we wished.

We were then asked to swap and I ended up with a cute little turtle!

I officially renamed Becky, giving her 2 new middle names -
this is her re-enacting the 'dipstick' portion of it!

We were given paper to turn into boats and so Becky
and I decided to float ours in the river!

One of the exciting things about the conference was the mix of people - over 70 countries were represented by 300 people and all with the same passion and love for God. It was alot of fun getting to know many different people and hear all about the fields we were heading to and our stories - how we came to know God and how He had called us to the mission field, the vision He has given us to reach out to people all over the world, serving and loving them as Christ did for us all. 
We had a 'culture night' where each different country was given
the opportunity to present something of their country. The Aussies and
1 Kiwi wrote a skit with the blokes around the BBQ and the women
in the kitchen, with a Brit translating us into 'normal English'
- it was a hit, for those that understood!

Although you can't really see it, I was enjoying the first real snow
since arriving in Europe.

My brilliant dorm-mates at GO Conference. Quinea on the right
went to South Africa to do training while Becky on the left
came with me to the ship where we are still close friends.

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