Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When it came time to travel to Germany, I thought what better way than to do a stop-over in London as I'd never been to the UK before. Blair, a friend travelling to the same conference in Germany, was my travel buddy as we went through London.

The beginning of the journey: Kuala Lumpur airport

I brought Blair along to be the baggage boy...
just kidding - we travelled together to training in Germany

We decided it might be fun to spend time in London seeing
as we were passing through anyway - are we having fun yet?

I felt like I was in the middle of a Monopoly game, but was
thrown off a bit - shouldn't this sign be green?

The legendary red buses of London... these became constant
friends in our week of fun in London.

London winter's are much colder than expected and neither of us
had remembered our beanies - doesn't Blair look dashing in his
new head gear?

So there's 2 options:
1: jump out in my Clark Kent suit
2: Get flushed to the Ministry of Magic

Trafalgar Square

Enjoying a day in the only greenery I could find in London -
dancing in Green Park!

The gates of Buckingham Palace

a London squirrel hoping to find something to eat.
He fell for this trick 3 times!

One of the less commonly found statues in London...

This was my winter hat purchase - so, fall fashions?

A guard at the Royal Barracks. The sign on the other side says
"I bite" - we couldn't quite work out if it was talking about
the horse or the guard...

Part of Windsor Castle

Changing of the guard at Windsor Castle

"Someone" defiling a beautiful piece of architecture within the
walls of Windsor Castle...

Stone Henge

Nearly falling into the warm baths in Bath.

A beautiful old cathedral in Bath, this was the small side chapel.

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