Friday, January 14, 2011

Mosbach, Germany

After London, we headed to Mosbach, Germany for the Global Orientation (GO) Conference. Blair and I arrived 4 days early so enjoyed finding our way around the quaint little country town that is Mosbach.

I was proud of how I managed to sort out our inn bookings and travel arrangements and everything else for those 4 days as we didn't find anyone with a single word of English!

The view from the Swan Inn 'der Swanen'

Such a quaint little inn, they went to every effort to include beautiful little touches

Where we ate breakfast and dinner each day

Our accommodation was at the top of these stairs -
the typical olden style rickety winding stairs.
At the bottom out the backdoor was a beautiful and huge
rottweiler who became my best friend!

We took a little walk and found the OM base (operation mobilisation),
where our conference was to be held.

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